
A World of Innovation – Driving Surgical Education and Patient Care Forward.

Prepare to be inspired at the 2025 Triennial and ICOSET Conference, where some of the brightest minds in surgery will converge to explore “A World of Innovation” in the beautiful city of Edinburgh. This prestigious event, hosted by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd), offers an unmatched opportunity to advance your knowledge and skills in the surgical and dental fields. The conference will bring together professionals from across disciplines, from medical students to Consultants, providing a collaborative space to examine cutting-edge technology, pioneering techniques, and forward-thinking strategies that will shape the future of surgical excellence.

In addition to education, this conference is about connection. You’ll have the unique opportunity to engage with fellow educators, surgical teams, and members of the RCSEd family. The event fosters collegiality and fellowship, promoting meaningful networking and discussions that will strengthen your professional relationships and inspire future collaborations.

This conference has been approved for 17.5 CPD points.



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