Academic Conferences in Denmark
Our ultimate directory of conferences in Denmark will help you find an event that fits your requirements perfectly.
We pre-screen every event before adding it to the directory so that you don’t have to.
You can narrow down your search by the format of the event. Are you able to travel to conferences in Denmark? Fantastic! Pick the ‘In-Person’ category. If, on the other hand, you are facing budgetary or travel restrictions, select the ‘Online’ and ‘In-Person & Online’ categories. This way, you can still benefit from all the incredible learning opportunities while watching a live stream of the event from the comfort of your home or office.
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Many leading events offer coveted publication opportunities with highly respectable academic journals. - Save up to 50%.
Whether it’s a submission fee for your paper or a registration fee, most conferences offer the incentive of discounts for those applying early.
Picking between a conference and a workshop
Unsure which event format to pick? Our recommendation is to put together a list of outcomes you’d like to achieve by attending an event. Then, organize them in the order of priority.
- Conferences offer broader networking opportunities than workshops or roundtables. You can expect to interact with a highly diverse audience – scholars, researchers, post-graduate students, representatives of research organizations and non-profit associations, etc. While learning opportunities are significant at larger events, your time to interact with presenters is more limited than at workshops.
- Workshops are perfect for those who are looking for a highly targeted and immersive learning experience. Such smaller gatherings foster in-depth discussions and allow attendees to engage with presenters/workshop leaders in a more insightful manner. Networking opportunities are more narrow, on the other hand.