Topics in Veterinary Oncology International Congress on Small Animal Clinical Oncology: Skin Tumors in Cats & Dogs

Mary Crisp

On 1 & 2 February 2025 we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the annual international veterinary oncology conference ‘Topics in Veterinary Oncology’, formerly known as ONCOlogisch Treffen. Many of you have attended in the past or lectured at our conference.

This year’s topic is on Tumors of the Skin in Cats and Dogs. The line-up of speakers is again top of the bill: dr. Craig Clifford (MedOnc), dr. Julius Liptak (SurgOnc), dr. Sjoerd Klarenbeek (Pathology) & a human key-note lecture on melanoma.

Again the conference is held on-site near Utrecht, live-streamed and available afterwards on-demand. You choose, price is the same. The early bird runs until the end of November.

Topics in Veterinary Oncology is an onsite & online congress on Small Animal Clinical Oncology

Topics in Veterinary Oncology (formerly ONCOlogisch Treffen or the Dutch International Veterinary Oncology Conference) has been organized for the past 19 years. 

​The congress’ subject is always centered around 1 topic. This can be: ​

an organ system (GI, respiratory, skin…),

a tumor type (neuro-endocrine, soft tissue sarcomas…),

a species (feline) or a presentation (emergency oncology)

​​​​The subject is always discussed in-depth by:

a medical oncologist,  a surgical oncologist,

a radiotherapist, a diagnostic imager and/or a pathologist (depending on the subject)

​congress language is English.




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