Save the date for Clinical Congress 2025, October 4–7 in Chicago, IL.
The Call for Abstracts, Videos, and Posters for consideration for presentation at Clinical Congress 2025 will open in mid-December and will close on March 3. Check back for updates!
Abstracts or videos may be submitted for the following Clinical Congress programs.
The Owen H. Wangensteen Scientific Forum offers researchers the opportunity to present the results of their original, basic science, clinical, education, health sciences, and translational research.
The Video-Based Education Sessions aims to educate surgeons and members of surgical teams in order to improve the care of the surgical patient, as well as safeguard the standards of care in an optimal practice environment.
The History of Surgery Poster Session, sponsored by the History and Archives Committee of the American College of Surgeons, offers surgical history enthusiasts the opportunity to present on their subject of interest relating to the diseases, techniques, technology, events, or personalities of particular importance to the field of surgery and its subspecialties.