9th International Conference on Material Engineering and Manufacturing (ICMEM 2025)

Sara Pan
9th International Conference on Material Engineering and Manufacturing (ICMEM 2025)
Event Holding type
Event type


Accepted papers will be published in below listed journals of Scientific.Net collection. Papers will be sent for indexing by Scopus, Inspec, Chemical Abstracts Service, Google Scholar etc.


>>Materials Science Forum (MSF)

ISSN print 0255-5476

ISSN web 1662-9752


>>Key Engineering Materials (KEM)

ISSN print 1013-9826

ISSN web 1662-9795


>>Solid State Phenomena (SSP)

ISSN print 1012-0394

ISSN web 1662-9779


>>Defect and Diffusion Forum (DDF)

ISSN print 1012-0386

ISSN web 1662-9507


[Pulication History]

※ ICMEM 2024: Materials Science Forum-in progress…

※ ICMEM 2023: Vol. 1099. Materials Science Forum-ISBN: 978-3-0364-0438-7-Indexing

※ ICMEM 2022: Vol. 337. Solid State Phenomena-ISBN: 978-3-0364-1171-2-Indexed by Scopus

※ ICMEM 2021: Vol. 324. Solid State Phenomena-ISBN: 978-3-0357-1859-1-Indexed by Ei Compendex & Scopus

※ ICMEM 2020: Vol. 1009, Materials Science Forum-ISBN: 978-3-0357-1688-7-Indexed by Ei Compendex & Scopus

※ ICMEM 2019: Vol. 976, Materials Science Forum-ISBN: 978-3-0357-1518-7-Indexed by Ei Compendex & Scopus

※ ICMEM 2018: Vol. 932, Materials Science Forum-ISBN: 978-3-0357-1395-4-Indexed by Ei Compendex & Scopus

※ ICMEM 2017: Vol. 265, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering-Indexed by Ei Compendex & Scopus



You can submit your paper via submission system: http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/icmem2025

Or directly send to the conference email box: icmem@cbees.net

For more details, you can learn through: https://www.icmem.org/sub.html


[Submission Types]

1. Full Paper (Publication & Presentation)

A minimum length of 6 pages for a paper including all figures, tables, and references.

2. Abstract (Presentation ONLY)

Abstract registration is for Presentation ONLY. The abstract will NOT be published.


[Conference Topics (but not limited to)]

●Advanced Design Technology

●Materials Science and Engineering

●Cellular manufacturing

●Lean and Agile Manufacturing

●Nano Fabrication and Precision Engineering

●Materials Characterization

●Industrial Robots and Automation

●Sensors for Automation


Please check the following link which you can find more topics: https://www.icmem.org/cfp.html


[Contact Us]

Conference Secretary: Ms. Rachel Liu

Email: icmem@cbees.net

Tel: +1-669-900-4528/+86-28-87577778

Working Time: Monday-Friday 9:30-18:00 (UTC/GMT+08:00)



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