Call For Paper
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
*Management Science
Management of Innovation and Technology
Emerging Technologies
Global Production Network
Green Technologies
The accepted papers by ICAMS 2022, will be published by Journal of Advanced Management Science (JOAMS)
JOAMS aims to provide a high profile, leading edge forum for academic researchers, industrial professionals, engineers, consultants, managers, educators and policy makers working in the field to contribute and disseminate innovative new work on Advanced Management Science. All papers will be blind reviewed and accepted papers will be published quarterly, which is available online and in printed version.
Journal of Advanced Management Science (JOAMS)
ISSN: 2168-0787
Frequency: Quarterly
Abstracting/Indexing:Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Google Scholar, Crossref, Engineering & Technology Digital Library and Electronic Journals Digital Library.
Submission Methods
Please submit your paper over. We provide the below two submission methods, please choose one submission method. Do not submit twice to avoid any inconvenience caused by dupicate submission.
1. Please submit the formated article to
2. Or you can submit to conference email box:
Contact Us
Conference Secretary: Ms. Curry Lin
Telephone: +86-13648043904 (China)
Official Email:
Offical Website: