★After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers after proper registration and presentation will be published in the ICCGV 2025 Conference Proceedings by SPIE, which will be included in SPIE Digital Library and indexed by Ei Compendex, Scopus, and CPCI (Web of Science).
★Call for Paper
●Computer Graphics
●Images processing and computer vision
●Rendering including real-time rendering, illumination, photo-realistic graphics
●Computational photography
●Graphics hardware, GPU, and hardware-related techniques
●Tracking and sensing
●Input devices for VR/AR/MR
●Advanced display technology
●Immersive projection technology
●Haptics, audio, and other non-visual interfaces
●Modeling and simulation
●For more detail, please visit at http://www.iccgv.org/cfp.html
Full paper (publication and presentation)
Abstract (presentation only)
Full paper and abstract, please upload it to iConference submission system: http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/iccgv2025 (.pdf).
If you have any queries, please email iccgv@chairmen.org
●For more detail, please visit at http://www.iccgv.org/sub.html
Ms. May Wang
TEL: 18081079313
WeChat: 18081079313
E-mail: iccgv@chairmen.org