7th World Congress on Food Science & Technology

“7th World Congress on Food Science & Technology”  March 14-15, 2025, London,United Kingdom.coordinately invites all the   Professors, Deans, Scientist, Researchers, Research Scholars, Health experts, Delegates, Industrialists, and Students to exchange and share their experiences and research results in the field of  Food Science  & Health Care .

Theme:  “Next-Gen Food Science Innovations in Processing Technologies ”

Abstract Submission: https://foodtech.inovinemeetings.com/abstract-submission.php
Conference Brochure :  https://foodtech.inovinemeetings.com/conference-brochure.php

It would be glad if you could join as a speaker/delegate at our conference. All the participants will be awarded with CPD Credits

With Regards,
Maheshwari G | Program Manager
World Food Science Conference 2025 |London,Uk
E-mail: foodtech@inovineconferences.com
Phone: : +1-408-648-2233
What’s App: +44 7361 618033
Website: https://foodtech.inovinemeetings.com/”



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