★Call for paper★ Topics and scopes are not limited, but as below: -Methods and Techniques for Software Development -Software Maintenance -Requirements Engineering -Model-driven Architecture and Engineering -Re-engineering and Reverse Engineering -Software Reuse -Model Engineering -Software Architectures Design -Frameworks and Design Patterns -Component-based Design -Middleware Components -Software Quality …… For more topics, please visit: http://www.icsse.org/cfp.html★ Publication ★
All accepted and presented articles will be published into the conference proceedings Conference Publishing Services (CPS), and submitted to IEEE Xplore for indexing by Ei Compendex and Scopus Index.
★Submission Methods★ 1. Full paper (Publication and Presentation) 2. Abstract (Presentation Only) Please upload full paper or abstract to Submission System: http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/icosse2023 For more details about submission, please visit: http://www.icsse.org/sub.html ★Contacts Us★ Ms. Linda Zhou E-mail: icsse@chairmen.org Tel: +86 18081079313 (Monday to Friday | 10am-5pm, GMT+8)
2023 International Conference on Software and System Engineering(ICoSSE 2023)