★Call for papers★ The conference topics include, but are not limited to: * Wind Energy Applications * Wind Resources Environmental Impact * Hydropower Applications * Construction and Design Issues * Environmental Impact Assessment * Solar Cell Technology * PV for Rural Development * Solar Thermal Electricity Geothermal Applications * Environmental Impacts and Sustainability More Topics, please visit at http://www.icree.org/cfp.html ★ Publication Accepted and presented papers will be recommended to be published into the following journal. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development (IJESD, ISSN:2010-0264) Indexing: Scopus(since 2019), Google Scholar, CNKI, Crossref, ProQuest, EBSCO, etc. ★Submission★ 1. Full paper (publication and presentation) 2. Abstract (presentation only) For full paper and abstract, please upload it to the Electronic Submission System (.pdf) (http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/icree2022) Send your enquiry to icree_icree@outlook.com More details about submission, please visit at http://www.icree.org/cfp.html ★★Contact Ms. Carrie Li (Conference Secretary) Email: icree-icree@outlook.com Tel: +86-18008065167
6th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environment (ICREE 2022)
