The Architectural Science Association (ASA) Conference will be hosted by the School of Engineering and the Built Environment at Griffith University in Gold Coast, Australia, from November 26th to 29th, 2024. We cordially invite researchers, practitioners, educators, stakeholders, and students with expertise in architecture, engineering, building science, urban planning, landscape design, and other cognate disciplines to participate in our discussion and offer their valuable perspectives on:
Harmony in Architectural Science and Design: Sustaining the Future.
Accepted papers by registered authors will be published in the conference proceedings (with an ISBN), and will be Scopus-indexed.
The 2024 conference is scheduled to commence with a welcome reception and workshop activities on the 26th of November, which will be followed by a span of three consecutive days dedicated to the presentation of innovative research contributions across the globe.
The Griffith School of Engineering and the Built Environment looks forward to welcoming you to Gold Coast in November 2024!