
Dublin, Republic of Ireland is the host of the 4th International Conference on Applied Research in Engineering, Science and Technology. ICAREST will take place on August 20–22, 2021  and, just like its previous editions, it will welcome the international community of academics, scholars, and researchers for three days of thought-provoking seminars, engaging discussions, and cross-border knowledge sharing.

ICAREST is the one event of the year you don’t want to miss out on. Its sole purpose is to help you deepen your knowledge in the field by exposing you to a vibrant learning environment. While our speaker board will present thorough and insightful information, you will be able to learn from your peers in the audience as well as share your knowledge with them. This open learning environment can’t be substituted by digital technologies or online platforms. Feel the vibrant atmosphere of the event, get a dose of inspiration, meet new people, and listen to their fascinating stories. ICAREST 2021 is more than a conference. It’s a network. See you in August!



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