4th International Conference on Advances in Materials, Mechanical and Manufacturing (AMMM 2022)

Adam Land
4th International Conference on Advances in Materials, Mechanical and Manufacturing (AMMM 2022)
Event Holding type
Event type

★Call for papers★ Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to: *Composites *Micro / Nano Materials *Optical/Electronic/Magnetic Materials *Mechanical and Materials Engineering *Aerospace Systems and Technology More Topics, please visit at http://ammm.org/topic.html
★ Publication
Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by 2-3 reviewers. All papers submitted to AMMM 2022 will be checked for plagiarism including self-plagiarism. If a paper is found to fall in the category of plagiarism, the paper will be automatically rejected. A list of authors of the papers identified in the category of plagiarism will be forwarded to the press and your organization. And accepted and presented papers will be recommended to the following publication:
★★The registered and presented papers which are related to materials will be published into  Key Engineering Materials (ISSN print 1013-9826; ISSN cd 1662-9809; ISSN web 1662-9795) , which will be submitted for Ei Compendex, SCOPUS, Inspec, CAS, EBSCO index, etc.
★★The registered and presented papers which are not related to materials will be published into Applied Mechanics and Materials (ISSN print 1660-9336, ISSN cd 2297-8941, ISSN web 1662-7482) , which will be submitted for Inspec, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Google Scholar, ProQuest, EBSCO index, etc.
★Submission★ 1. The official language is English. The submitted paper should be no less than full 6 pages and prepared carefully according to the conference template. 2. Abstract submission is acceptable but it will be accepted for presentation only. Please submit the paper by Electronic Submission System (http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/ammm2022) Send your enquiry to ammmconf@126.com More details about submission, please visit at http://ammm.org/sub.html ★★Contact Ms. Dahlia Wang (Conference Secretary) Email: ammmconf@126.com Tel: +86-18008065167



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