4th Asia Conference on Material and Manufacturing Technology (ACMMT 2022)

Sara Pan

Accepted and registered papers will be published into 【Solid State Phenomena】 (ISSN print 1012-0394/ISSN web 1662-9779), which will be indexed by 【Ei Compendex, Scopus】 and other main database etc.

***Topics of ACMMT 2022
~Steel and Iron
~Materials Physics and Chemistry
~Environmental Friendly Materials
~Biomaterials and Chemical Materials
~Surface Engineering/Coatings
~Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Manufacturing Processes
~Mechanical Dynamics and Its Applications
~Power and Fluid Machinery
~Energy Machinery and Equipment
~Smart and Intelligent Materials
More topics, please go to: http://www.acmmt.org/cfp.html

* Submission Methods:
1. Submit your full paper or abstract to Online Submission System(https://confsys.iconf.org/submission/acmmt2022)
2. Send it directly to: acmmt_conf@163.com

***Keynote Speakers
Prof. Steven Y. Liang (Fellow of ASME & SME), Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. Shu Yin, Tohoku University, Japan
Prof. Shinji Takeoka, Waseda University, Japan
Prof. Sarawut Rimdusit, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
**The information will be confirmed soon, please visit: http://www.acmmt.org/speaker.html

Contact us
Ms. Jane Li
Tel: +1-669-900-4528 / +86-28-87577778
Email: acmmt_conf@163.com
Website: www.acmmt.org



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