3rd International Conference on Mechanical Materials and Renewable Energy (ICMMRE 2022)

lucas locke

The ICMMRE 2022 conference is a platform where academicians, technocrats, researchers and scientists can exchange their technical expertise and knowledge. It aims to bridge the gap between academic research and industry needs. The topics covered are the major research areas of modern day requirements. We warmly welcome all researchers to submit their latest research paper to ICMMRE 2022, and share the valuable experiences with the scientist and scholars around the world.
This International conference will create a scenario where all the stakeholders viz. researchers, industry experts, R & D personals, manufacturers, students and faculty can gather in a single platform to discuss and share their views and expertise in the different segment of the technologies, thereby an industry can attract and breed prospective talents from the platform and bring it to development and adoption of the technology. Keeping in view the above facts and industry demands the following three themes viz. Mechanical, Materials & Renewable Energy were taken for deliberation. We request all the stakeholders to participate in this international conference with their views and works for the development of these core engineering sectors.



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