★ Publication★
Submissions will be peer reviewed by both the conference scientific committees and IJSPS editorial board, and accepted papers will be published in International Journal of Signal Processing Systems (ISSN:2315-4535), which will be indexed by Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Google Scholar, Crossref, etc.
★Call for paper★
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Video Processing and Analytics
Visual Quality Assessment
Pattern recognition and analysis Visualization
Color and Multispectral Processing
Document and Synthetic Visual Processing
Multi-View, Stereoscopic, and 3D Processing
Multi-Temporal and Spatio-Temporal Processing
Image and Video Analysis for the Web
Image Processing for VR Systems
Image Procesing for Autonomous Vehicles
Filtering, Transforms, Multi-Resolution Processing
Restoration, Enhancement, Super-Resolution
For details about topics and our tracks, please via http://www.icvsp.org/#cfp
Submitted manuscripts should be written in English conforming to the required template, All paper submissions must represent original and unpublished work. Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format via the submission system or through email directly. Please submit the paper as a PDF file. And follow the Full Paper Template when preparing your full paper. The file size should not exceed 10 MByte.
1. Submission System:https://www.zmeeting.org/submission/icvsp2023 (.pdf)
2. Submit to email: icvsp@outlook.com (.pdf or .doc)
More detail about submission, please via http://www.icvsp.org/#submission
Conference Secretary: Chris Zhang
Tel.:+86-191-5889-7842 (Working hour: GMT+8, 10:00AM-5:00PM; Mon.-Fri.)
E-mail: icvsp@outlook.com