

Those of you who attended the 11th DiMiMED International Conference in Duesseldorf on the 13th and 14th November last year can testify to the success of the Conference. Hopefully, you will now have put into practice some of the ideas and concepts which you first learned about at DiMiMED, and your patients and/or organizations are reaping the benefits. But your educational opportunities do not end there!

The good news is that planning is well underway for the 12th DiMiMED International Conference which is scheduled for 11th and 12th November 2024 in Duesseldorf.  It is the aim of the Scientific Committee to ensure that DiMiMED is a conference “which keeps on giving” year after year!  This year’s theme of “Changing Times – Time for a Change” fall easily off the tongue, but don’t be misled by the simplicity of the wording! Changes are afoot in every dimension of life, not least in the worlds of disaster and military medicine, and these changes require an appropriate response.  The key to success in today’s world is to identify the change that is taking place, and to determine whether, in particular with regard to conflict medicine and medicine in poorly resourced or austere environments, the current response remains optimal.



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