10th UCG Edition on Diabetes and Endocrinology Conference

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We cordially invite you to the 10th UCG Edition on Diabetes and Endocrinology Conference set up in Dubai, UAEduring January 17-18, 2022. The theme of the conference is “Connecting and Interacting with the latest findings in Diabetes and Endocrinology”. Diabetes conferences includes Keynote lectures and workshops. Meet the experts from all over the world to discuss various sessions on connecting, interacting and transforming the innovations in Diabetes and Endocrinology and to promote international collaboration in clinical and research practice. Delegates, poster sessions are from all around the world to present this exciting program.

10th UCG Edition on Diabetes and Endocrinology Conference offer a series of general sessions, smaller workshops and themed tracks, the UtilitarianConference will cover the evidence-based treatment strategies to improve outcomes for patients with endocrinology and diabetes.

Theme: Deliberate the Important Research and Ongoing Practices to Reduce Diabetes.

Diabetes and Endocrinology CME Conferences includes plenary discussions, workshops and symposia. Meet the experts from all over the world. Our Utilitarian Conference sessions are interactive and henceforth transforms the innovations in Diabetes and Endocrinology and to promote international collaboration in clinical and research practice. Delegates, poster sessions from all around to present this exciting program.

Conference highlights are Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes, New Approaches to Manage Diabetes, Endocrinology, Neuro-Endocrinology, Gestational Diabetes, Case Studies on Diabetes, Diabetes–Nutritional Diet, Exercise and Metabolism, Diabetes Distress, Diabetes and Lifestyles, Endocrine and Diabetes Biomarkers, Transgender: Medicine and Research, Advance Treatment and Prevention, Genetic Diabetes, Neurogenic Diabetic Problems, Common Endocrinology Disorders and Treatments, Osteoporosis, and Osteopenia, Cellular and Molecular Endocrinology, Endocrinology: Male & Female Reproductive Health, Cardiovascular Endocrinology, Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism, Clinical Trials and Case Study, Living with Diabetes

Conference Benefits

15 CME Hours

Keynote lectures

Speaker Sessions

Poster presentation


Employment Bureau

Lunch, Coffee breaks

Best Poster Certificate




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