If you are confused about the meaning of symposium vs conference; you have reached the best guide. A good question is that these two kinds of events interchangeable synonyms? Therefore, To ensure you from the use of these two terms; we should tell you that the symposium is a part of a conference. Also, the entire format of a conference can be a symposium. Still, need more information? Follow this guide to learn about it.
What is a symposium presentation like?
Usually, a submitter has a Chair and a discussant. For example, The discussants read the papers and manage the discussion topics. Above all, This expert has a powerful background in the field of discussion topics. Therefore, The organizers should introduce the Chair and discussant on their websites.
Techniques of symposium organizing
In addition, Here are the technical issues you`ll need to know to organize a successful event that attendees can discuss and challenge the findings
Issue a call for papers on the subject.
You can use the trade publications and their corresponding websites. Also, try social media marketing techniques and other relevant platforms and applications. Therefore, The other option is that the organizers pre-select the panel ask individuals to prepare papers for the subject.
What happens in a symposium topic selection?
When choosing the discussion topic,Similarly, remember to choose a diverse group. Therefore, This so important to prevent topic interferes. For instance, if the main topic is about Food safety, You should invite experts on Food microbiology, Microbiology, Biology, Quality control, and nano smart materials.
Types of symposium formats
It can have different formats. After that, The format of the event depends on the organizer`s opinion. Similarly, Consider these factors:
- Thr number of presenters
- Subject
- Time for questions
- Travel
- Budget
There are two types of symposium
Above all, Panel and Presenter are the two types of the symposium. Panel type engages a group of panelists in an interactive discussion. however, Presenter type involves a series of authored papers on a preset theme.
The Standard Format
- Welcome remarks by the hosts or organizers
- Introduction and introduces the keynote speaker and the panelists
- Posing questions and discussion.
- The keynote speech
- Panel discussion (the moderator introduces each presenter )
- The moderator guides a roundtable discussion
Advantages of symposium
By attending this kind of event you`ll earn these benefits:
- Publishing the papers submitted by the panelists
- Publishing a comprehensive review of the opinions in a “Notes from the Symposium” article in the relevant trade journals or on websites.
At the end
In conclusion, One of the biggest benefits of attending a symposium is to improve your network. In other words, Networking is very important for job hunting and your personal branding in your major. Want to hear about the latest events and useful symposium? subscribe on conference2go to be aware of the scientific and high rated events.
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