International Scientific Conference: “Human Capital, Institutions and Economic Growth”

The aim of the conference is to promote the development of scientific and research activities in Georgia. The conference serves to present the scientific-research activities of local and international scientists, academic staff, experienced and novice researchers, including the presentation of scientific and research activities of doctoral students in front of a wide audience, to bring them together to exchange and share their experience and research results.
The conference provides a multidisciplinary economic science platform for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the latest innovations, current trends and problems, as well as practical challenges and solutions.
Working languages of the conference:
The working languages of the conference are Georgian and English
Conference schedule:
November 10 9-30 – 10-00
Registration of participants 10-00 – 10-30
Introduction 10-30 – 11-30
Plenary session 11-30 – 12-00
Coffee break 12-00 – 13-00
Plenary session 13-00 – 14-00
Break (lunch) 14-00 – 16-00
Working in sections 16-00 – 16-30
Coffee break 16-30 – 18-00
Working in sections 20-00
Before the conference, its program will be published in printed form, and after the conference a complete collection of conference proceedings will be published as well. According to the decision of the scientific committee of the conference, the reports accepted for the conference will be published both in printed form and in electronic form will be placed in the institutional repository of Kutaisi University and on the website of Kutaisi University as well. Papers of high scientific value will also be published in the scientific journals “Economic Profile” and “Globalization and Business” in agreement with the authors.
Important dates:
Registration as a participant (without a report) – no later than October 10
Presentation of the report and registration as a speaker – no later than October 1
Notification of report acceptance/rejection – no later than October 14
Conference day – November 10
Conference regulations:
Report – 12-15 minutes
Discussion – 8-10 minutes
Participation fee: Participation in the conference is free. Participants cover their own travel and accommodation expenses.
Certificate: Conference participants will be sent a bilingual (Georgian-English) electronic certificate via e-mail The rule for presentation of the report The paper should correspond to the theme of the conference. The paper must not have been published and/or read at another conference. Number of co-authors – no more than three.
For reports in Georgian: Topic title, author(s) name, surname, scientific degree, position, telephone and e-mail address (in Georgian and English) Abstract – no more than 400 words in each language – reflecting the main content and main scientific result of the work (in Georgian and English) Keywords – no more than five in each language (in Georgian and English) Corresponding JEL classification code(s) (see link
The report (no more than 2000 words) should include an introduction (presenting the relevance of the issue), main text and conclusions (in Georgian) List of used literature (in the original language of the source and in English, indicating the language of the original source in parentheses)
For reports in English: Topic title, author(s) name, surname, scientific degree, position, telephone and e-mail address. (in English) Abstract – no more than 400 words – reflecting the main content and main scientific results of the paper (in English) Keywords – no more than five (in English) Corresponding JEL classification code(s) (see link The report (no more than 2000 words) should include an introduction (presenting the relevance of the issue), main text and conclusions (in English) List of used literature (in English, indicating the original language of the source in parentheses)
Technical parameters of the paper
The paper should be submitted as a Microsoft Word file Pages – A4, without numbering Areas on all sides – 2 cm Font: for Georgian language – Sylfaen, for English language – Sylfaen or Times New Roman; Size – 11 Title – font size – 12 bold, centered Spacing between lines – 1.15 Drawings, pictures, diagrams, photos, illustrations, tables should be given under the relevant text or on the next page; The title on the upper side (centered), with a small deviation if necessary (for example, reference to the source or other), and above the title, on the right side, the number – with piercing numbering; Resolution – at least 150 dpi.
Anti-plagiarism policy
Plagiarism in papers is not allowed, the author/authors must ensure accurate and correct reference to the source of the information in the paper. All submitted papers are checked in a special plagiarism program. Coincidences found by the program are evaluated individually by the chairman of the scientific committee (if necessary, through consultation with the scientific committee) and its correctness is determined. If the program determines more than the threshold level of matches, the author will be notified of the discovery of plagiarism and the paper will not be admitted to the conference. In case of discovery of plagiarism by a third party in the published paper, the person who discovered this fact has the right to apply to the scientific committee or the organizing committee and request an investigation of the fact, as well as an extract from the plagiarism program about the coincidences. If plagiarism is confirmed, information about plagiarism will be published.
Citation rules
APA style rules are used for citation. Additionally:
Procedure for admitting/rejecting a report for the conference
A double blind peer review process is mandatory for a paper to be admitted to the conference. The reviewer for each report is selected by the chairman of the scientific committee of the conference, in consultation with the members of the committee. Reviewers are scientists working in different universities, whose competence and academic works are consistent with the content of the report. The paper will be accepted based on two positive reviews. After the submission of the paper in accordance with the specified deadlines, the conformity of the technical parameters is determined, and its conformity with the theme of the conference is assessed. In case of non-compliance, the report will not be considered, and the author will be notified regarding this fact. The next stage is plagiarism check through a specialized program. If plagiarism is detected, the report will not be reviewed and the author will be notified. After passing the preliminary stages, the reviewers are selected and the paper is sent to them. After reviewing the presented conclusions, the scientific committee makes one of the following decisions, about which he/she informs the author:
About the admission of the report;
About the rejection of the report;

About notes
In case of finding notes, the author will be informed about them and will be given time to re-submit the revised report taking into account the comments. If the report is not submitted within the given time, it will be automatically rejected. If a revised report is presented, the Scientific Committee will re-examine the extent to which the comments have been taken into account and make the final decision to accept or reject the report at the conference. The maximum value of the evaluation of the paper is 100 points. A positive review is considered if the reviewers evaluate the paper with at least 60 points according to the following evaluation criteria (maximum 20 points each): relevance of the topic; relevance of findings to goals and objectives; level of scientific novelty of research results; theoretical, applied and practical significance of research; text structure, academic citation style
Paper delivery/registration as a speaker
The paper should be sent by the specified deadlines to the e-mail of the Research Institute of Economics of Kutaisi University: After receiving the notification about the acceptance of the report, the speaker is considered as registered at the conference If the report is rejected, the author(s) will be registered as a participant if they agree.
Registration as a participant (without report)
It is possible to register as a participant (without a report) at the conference by following the deadlines and by filling out the questionnaire located at the following link and sending it to the e-mail address of the Research Institute of Economics of Kutaisi University: The participant will receive a confirmation from the organizers on the e-mail specified by him in the questionnaire.
Communication with the author(s).
Communication with the author is carried out at the e-mail address specified by him. In the case of several authors, the first communication is with the specified author. The date of submission of the report is the time of sending from the author’s e-mail. The message is considered delivered from the moment of sending the corresponding message from the e-mail of the conference organizers, regardless of other circumstances.
Open Science
Policy Kutaisi University is committed to promoting the implementation and development of open science principles – open access to research data, scientific publications and research methods, as well as the use of open source, standards and interfaces in research. It uses open publishing tools to increase the impact of research, development and innovation. The research data, scientific publications and reports presented within the conference, as well as the research methods used, are public and open. Kutaisi University ensures that the processes, information and support systems, guiding norms enable the realization of FAIR (Findability-Accessibility-Interoperability-Reusability) principles. Kutaisi University affirms its support and commitment to the principles of the Budapest and Berlin Declarations of Open Access, which it has signed.
Non-property copyright in the work remains with the author(s) of the work; The author(s) grant to the conference organizers a special (exclusive) license, which also includes the use in print and electronic form, translation, visual processing. Authors retain the right to adapt and reproduce their own work, provided that the conference is credited as the source of the original publication. The conference proceedings will be published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 license. which implies the right to use it for any purpose, with the obligation to indicate the source; Any person has the right to share, distribute, reproduce the publication or any of its parts, including for commercial purposes, in which case he is obliged to fully indicate the source and the corresponding e-mail address and, in case of changes, to present these changes. The author is responsible for the content of the report. The scientific committee and the conference organizers are not responsible for any damage caused by the publication to the authors and/or third parties.
Other issues
At Kutaisi University, great attention is paid to the observance of ethical norms and standards in research activities. The university has developed a document of ethical guidelines for research activity in social sciences, which is based on applicable norms, relevant European legislation, international conventions and declarations, recognizes and corresponds to the spirit of ethical norms and principles adopted in the European research space, ethical rules and standards. Kutaisi University considers the principle of equality as one of the main characteristics of the quality of teaching and science. The university has developed a gender equality strategy and plan, which serves to ensure the in-depth and systematic implementation of the principle of gender equality and relevant values, both at the institutional and cultural levels of the university, in teaching, research and university management. In the structure and approach of the Gender Equality Plan, the main principles and recommendations of the Gender Equality Strategy of the European Commission and the European Scientific Space are taken into account, on the specifics of ensuring gender equality, both in the administrative, teaching, research and innovation fields.
Contact person
Gocha Ugulava – Associate Professor of Kutaisi University, Head of the Research Institute of Economics, Coordinator of the Conference Organizing Committee



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