
The Department of English and Humanities, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus will be organising an International Conference on Educational Professionalism (ICEP’24) from February 9 to February 10, 2024.

Our world has never been subject to such flitting changes as we are now experiencing in the post-pandemic era. What seems relevant and contextual for some time appears to recede into irrelevance and subjectivity very soon and the human mind grapples with ways and means to hold the reins and to bring situations under control. In this stupendous phenomenon of change, it is needless to question its tremendous thrust on the field of education and educators. To keep pace, updated professional rationale must be adopted and implemented. So, educational professionalism is the avatar which can help steer teachers and students to face the ever-increasing demands on the cognitive and affective domains of our intellect.

Educational professionalism embodies the qualities of being industrious, diligent, and organised, and holding oneself accountable for one’s thoughts, words, and deeds. It requires specialized knowledge, a definite skill set, quality work ethics, and consistent and appropriate behaviour. Ergo, it involves being reliable and caring about every aspect of educating.

The role of educators holds in its essence well accepted values of guiding students to develop themselves as distinguished human resources. However, the procedure for attaining it is distinctively streamlined and graded, which stems from the comprehension of educational professionalism.

Research in education and the application of theoretical knowledge in classrooms are spotlighted at this conference. Visionaries are moulded by high-quality education. We intend to enhance the skill-set of teachers across all levels of education – counsellors, educational psychologists, child psychologists, and social workers – by showing them the importance of educational professionalism. It will help educationalists understand that education is not just to impart knowledge but to lead them to self-realization. Teachers are encouraged – through research, reflection, and exposition – to help bring about the much-needed change.

As the famous saying goes, ‘A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step’, we envision the International Conference on Educational Professionalism’24 as the crucial first step forward, augmenting the application of teaching professionalism through hands-on experience, workshops, and exchanging ideas over plain theoretical learning.




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