FCPAE Europe Forum & 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Manufacturing (AIAM)


———-Call For Participants: Your participation will add great value for our conference. We take this opportunity to invite you to attend AIAM2023 to block your calendar from 20-21 Oct. 2023 for this important event.   —————Call for paper: AIAM2023 welcomes author submission of original and significant contributions. Each submission is anonymously reviewed by an average of two independent reviewers, to ensure the final high standard and quality of submitted papers. Accepted paper will be published in the Conference Proceedings, which will be sent to EI Compendex and Scopus etc. for indexing. ————–Important Dates Last date for full paper submission: July 31, 2023 (If you need an overdue submission, feel free to contact the conference secretary via email: contact@icaiam.com) Last date for paper acceptance: July 31, 2023 Last date for registration: August 31, 2023 ————–Instructions 1, Papers submitted should not have been previously published; 2, Papers should be written in English; 3, All papers will be sent for blind peer reviewed with a fast procedure; 4, Papers should be submitted directly to conference e-mail address: contact@icaiam.com   ——————–Registration (Register before July 31, 2023 to enjoy early bird price) Author (Including 1 paper registration fee), 390Euro (early bird price), 430Euro (regular price) Listener (Including 1 participation fee), 350Euro (early bird price), 450Euro (regular price)   ———————Should you have any questions about attending the conference or submitting your paper, just feel free to contact us at contact@icaiam.com



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