Once again, HSCONF – the International Conference on New Findings in Humanities and Social Sciences – will welcome its presenters and attendees for three days of learning, networking, and discussions. In its 9th edition, this social sciences conference has by now become a must-attend academic event of the year. Whether you are looking to learn from your peers and understand the highly specific challenges the fields of humanities and social sciences face on local and regional levels or present the findings of your latest research, HSCONF is the perfect opportunity. HSCONF stands out among other social sciences conferences. Not only does it offer unique publishing opportunities in indexed international journals, but it is a true knowledge platform based on the principles of open-access learning and transparency. It’s a community of dedicated forward-looking academics who want to actively contribute to how the future of humanities and social sciences is shaped. As you are planning your social science conferences calendar for 2023, make sure to add HSCONF on the 28th-30th of July. If you can’t make it to Dublin, Republic of Ireland, we invite you to join us virtually. The Organizing Committee will offer the participants a city tour free of charge, so learn about Dublin city. All accepted papers will be published with ISBN numbers in soft form. All papers have publication opportunities in various indexed international journals: SCOPUS, DOAJ, EBSCO, GOOGLE SCHOLAR, COPERNICUS, and also conference proceedings. The 9th HSCONF will return as an in-person event in Dublin in July 2023 & also include the live-stream Virtual component for those who cannot join physically but wish to learn, connect, and network. Delegates can attend & present their papers either in person or online from wherever they are in the world. An Invitation Letter will be issued and sent after registration and payment of the registration fee.
9th International Conference on New Findings in Humanities and Social Sciences(HSCONF)

The conference is a unique one which I may like to participate though am in Africa.