8th International Conference on Structural and Civil Engineering (ICSCE 2024)

Sara Pan


Submitted Papers to the conference will be subjected to the rigorous peer-review process. Accepted and registered papers will be published in the E3S Web of Conferences(ISSN: 2267-1242), which will be indexed by Scopus, CPCI (Web of Science), CAS, DOAJ, EBSCO, ProQuest, et al.


Conference Committee

*Conference Chair

Carlos Chastre, NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal


*Program Chairs

Diogo Ribeiro, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal

Wong Kwai Kwan, ENTPE, France


*Program Co-Chairs

Mário S. Ming Kong, University Lisbon, Portugal

Clara Pimenta do Vale, University of Porto, Portugal

Zujian Huang, Tsinghua University, China


*Publicity Chairs

Rudolf Hela, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic

Han-Yong Jeon, Inha University, South Korea

Marina Rynkovskaya, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Russia

For more committee information, please visit at www.icsce.org/committee.html



Topics are interested but not limited to the following:

*Civil and Structural Engineering:

Bridge Engineering; uilding Structure and Bridge Engineering

Building Technology; artography and Geographic Information System

Coastal Engineering; omputational Mechanics

Computer Simulation and CAD/CAE; oncrete Structures

Construction and Control; etection and Transformation

Disaster Prevention and Mitigation; ngineering Management


*Architecture and Urban Planning:

Architectural Design and Theories

Advanced Construction Materials

Aesthetics and Landscape

Architectural Design and Its Theory

Architectural Environment & Equipment Engineering

For more topics, please go to www.icsce.org/cfp.html


Submission Methods

Mehod 1-Online Submission System: http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/icsce2024

Mehod 2-Email Submission: icsce@cbees.net

Please visit at www.icsce.org/sub.html for more submission details and template download.


Contact us

Ms. Violet Xie

E-mail: icsce@cbees.net

Tel: +1-669-900-4528 (English) | +86-28-87577778 (English&Chinese)

Official website: www.icsce.org



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