7th International conference on the Environmental Dimension of Antimicrobial Resistance (EDAR7)


Over these six previous conferences, the scope of discussion has broadened and become more comprehensive. The focus of concern now encompasses all critical environmental aspects with an emphasis on considering issues holistically, and ensuring complementary to the human and agricultural dimensions of One Health.

The global research and policy agendas on AMR have continued apace, with cutting edge science rapidly advancing both in tool [eg. genomics] and knowledge [eg. the flow of determinants through the microbial world]. Thus, EDAR7 will be a very timely opportunity to share findings and to identify key opportunities for advancing protection of public health and the environment. EDAR7 will broadly cover environmental AMR emphasizing:

•        Fundamental scientific aspects of the ecology and biology of AMR in the environment and across the One Health continuum.

•        Experiences, challenges and opportunities for action to mitigate environmental AMR in higher and lower income settings.

•        Translating risk science into policy recommendations.

•        The behavioral and economic dimensions of changing policy and management practice.

•        The role of the environment in antimicrobial resistance development in bacterial, fungal, parasitic and viral pathogens.

The opportunity for discussions and the exchange of ideas stimulated by the conference will further catalyze new interdisciplinary research directions and perspectives and will foster effective and practical solutions for protecting the environment and human health. The conference will combine keynote speeches from global experts, short presentations by emerging scientists, poster sessions, breakout sessions and public engagement activities for a truly exceptional professional and personal experience. 



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