7th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (CIIS 2024)

Chapman Zerkos
7th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (CIIS 2024)
Event Holding type
Event type


After the double-blind reviewing, accepted and registered full papers can be included and published in ACM CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, which is indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.

CIIS conference proceedings for last 6 years have been successfully indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus three months after conference.


Submission ways

The online submission system is opened here: https://www.zmeeting.org/submission/ciis2024


Call for Papers

*Artificial life/Being

*Automated Planning

*Bayesian Networks

*Chaotic Systems

For more topics, please visit: http://ciis.net/call.html


Submission Types below

*Submitting an Abstract: Presentation Only

*Submitting a full Paper: Publication and Presentation


Call for Special Sessions

Special-session proposals should be submitted by the prospective organizer(s) who will commit to promoting and handling the review process of their special session as Chairs or Co-Chairs of the event. Proposals should include the following information:

*Title of the Special Session

*General information of organizers (mail address of main contact person, biodata)

*Brief description of special session

*Scope and topics of of the special session

*Names of potential participants, such as program committee members and invited speakers

*Please send your proposal to ciis_info@sciei.org.



Conference Secretary: Amber.XJ.Lin

Tell: +1-562-606-1057 (English) +861-820-7777775 (English/Chinese)

E-mail: ciis_info@sciei.org



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