Submitted papers will be peer reviewed by conference committees, and accepted papers after proper registration and presentation will be published in the International Conference Proceedings Series by ACM (ISBN: 979-8-4007-0990-6), which will be archived in the ACM Digital Library, submitted for indexing by Ei Compendex, Scopus, etc.
★Keynote Speaker & Invited Speakers
Prof. Hong Zhang
Fellow of lEEE, Canadian Academy of Engineering
Southern University of Science and Technology, China
Prof. Lizhuang Ma
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Assoc. Prof. Kezhi Mao
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Track 1. Image and Video Analysis:
This track invites submissions on topics related to image and video analysis, including but not limited to image segmentation, object detection, tracking, recognition, and retrieval; video processing, analysis, and summarization; motion analysis and estimation; and deep learning-based approaches for image and video analysis.
Track 2. Computer Vision:
This track focuses on the latest developments in computer vision, including but not limited to 3D vision, stereo and multi-view vision, visual odometry, structure from motion, and visual SLAM; computational photography; and image and video-based rendering.
Track 3. Pattern Recognition:
This track welcomes submissions on various topics related to pattern recognition, including but not limited to pattern classification and clustering, feature extraction, dimensionality reduction, and ensemble methods.
Track 4. Graphics, Visualization, and Virtual Reality:
This track invites papers on a wide range of topics related to graphics, visualization, and virtual reality, including but not limited to computer graphics, virtual reality, augmented reality, haptic rendering, medical visualization, and information visualization.
Track 5. Applications:
This track focuses on the practical applications of image and graphics techniques in various fields, including but not limited to biometrics, security, robotics, autonomous vehicles, healthcare, entertainment, and education.
For more topics, please visit: http://asig.net/cfp.html.
★Submission Guideline
♢ English is the official language. Paper should be prepared in English.
♢ Abstract submission is for presentation only without publication.
♢ Full paper submission is for both presentation and publication. (No less than 8 pages, in the 1-column format)
♢ Submission:
– By online submission system: http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/asig2024
– Or Submit to asig_contact@163.com as attachment
For more details, please visit: http://asig.net/sub.html
★Contact Us
Conference Secretary: Miss Chloe Jiang
Email: asig_contact@163.com
Tel: +86-18302820449
Website: http://asig.net/index.html
Office Hour: Monday-Friday, 9:30-18:00 (GMT+8)