Accepted and registered full papers will be published by SGSE Conference Proceedings, and submitted for Ei Compendex & Scopus index.
*Topics (not limited to the following)
-Smart Grid
Smart Grid Device Management
Transactive Energy and Microgrids
Smart Metering and Pricing
Home and Building Energy Management
Electric Vehicle Charging
-ICT Technologies for Power Systems
Advanced Communications and Networking
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Data Analytics and Forecasting
Secure and Resilient Ict Infrastructure
Cyber-Attack Defence and Bad Data Detection
-Sustainable Energy
Energy Harvesting Devices
Hydrogen Energy
Low Carbon Energy Generation
-Outstanding Contribution Award
-Outstanding Paper Award
-Best Reviewer Award
-Best Paper Award
-Best Presentation Award
Submission system: https://www.zmeeting.org/submission/sgse2025
Ms. Jessie Hu
E-mail: sgse_conference@163.com