
Big Data analytics are emerging fields that have recently drawn much attention from research communities in computer science, information technology, social science, and many other disciplines.  In recent years, “Big Data” has become a new ubiquitous term. Big Data is transforming science, engineering, medicine, healthcare, finance, business, and ultimately society itself. 2022 the 7th International Conference on Big Data Analytics (ICBDA) provides a leading forum for disseminating the latest research in Big Data Research, Development, and Application.
ICBDA calls for submission of work from a wide range of domains, including but not limited to smart systems (e.g. in cities, automobiles, farms, etc.), cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things applications, healthcare, social networks, and media. Authors are encouraged to submit papers covering big data topics, such as service-oriented technologies, machine learning, predictive analytics, data modeling, system architectures, data mining, and simulation.
ICBDA2022 is co-sponsored by Research Institute of Big Data Analytics, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China and IEEE Guangzhou Section.



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