Theme: Humans, Technological Innovations and Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Consequences
Since 1974, the Human Choice and Computers (HCC) conference series has consistently fostered innovative thinking about the interfaces between society and technology. At this time, HCC16 in 2024 focuses on “Humans, Technological Innovations and Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Consequences” and welcomes inputs from members of academia and research, civic society, computing associations, industry, and the IT professions on the following (and related) themes:
Ethical and legal issues for generative AI technologies
Social accountability and responsibility for computing and data utilization
The daily life applications of new intelligent technologies
How did we get here? Precedents, and lessons from the past
Personal autonomy in information systems: where is the human in our models?
Culture and technology: Can we shape a more human-centric computing environment?
Personal freedom and in the real world and the metaverse
Problematizations of AI from a feministic approach or other theoretical perspectives
How can new technological innovations spur genuine environmental impact?
AI for Development: What are the potential application areas?
How will AI and innovative technologies take or change our jobs?
What is the future of business organizations in an AI-powered environment?
Global or local? How are the lived experiences of the marginalized and dispossessed citizens of developing countries affected by new technological innovations?
New technology, generative AI and fun! Working, playing, entertaining and relaxing in our working and private digital lives.
Important Dates
January 31, 2024 – Submissions due
March 31, 2024 – Notification of acceptance/rejection
April 30, 2024 – Submission of camera-ready papers
July 31, 2024 – Deadline for early bird registration
September 8 – 10, 2022 – Conference dates