
Dive into the exciting world of English Literature and Linguistics at the upcoming World Conference on English Literature and Linguistics (ELLCONF). We’re gathering from August 23rd to 25th, 2024, in the beautiful and historic Oxford, UK. It’s the perfect place to get inspired, share ideas, and really geek out on everything from the quirkiest linguistics puzzles to the most thrilling literary theories.

At ELLCONF, you’ll rub shoulders with ESL/EFL teachers, linguists, scholars, researchers, and grad students—all fired up to bridge the gap between theory and practice and push the boundaries of what we know about language and literature.

At the English Literature and Linguistics conference, participants have a variety of ways to share their work and ideas, including oral presentations, online presentations, poster sessions, or simply as listeners. We know that it’s not always possible for everyone to join us in person in Oxford, which is why we’re excited to offer online attendance options. This way, scholars from anywhere can join in, share their insights, and contribute to the discussions, no matter where they are in the world. Whether you’re presenting from your living room or joining us on-site, your participation is what makes this conference a rich, diverse, and vibrant event. This flexibility ensures that everyone has a chance to be part of the conversation and connect with fellow enthusiasts in the field.



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